Friday 4 April 2014

Class Feedback

Class Feedback

We showed our final film to our media class - being media students doing the same task as ours, we were able to get feedback from a more technical, constructive point of view. After showing them our film, we filmed them answering questions about it.
1. Did you find the storyline easy to follow?
2.Did you understand the ending and our use of enigma?
3. Do you think that the filter used was effective?
4. Even though our film is neo-noir do you think we've kept to the conventions of traditional film noir?
5. If any, what areas do you think we could improve?
6. What did you think of our soundtrack?

Analysis of my review

Analysis of my review

I analysed my review to compare it to other reviews I analysed in the same way and so show how I used my research to help me create it.

Analysis of my poster

Analysis of my poster

To help me ensure that my poster followed conventions of other posters, I analysed it in the same way that I analysed posters for my research.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Final Film

Final Film

We took our feedback from Max and Flynn into consideration as we made a few last minute adjustments and this is our end product. 

Audience Feedback on First Draft

Audience Feedback on our First Draft

This is a video of Max and Flynn who kindly answered some questions on what they thought of the first draft of our film.

This is also a picture of the list of questions to ask our audience but we only selected a few to ask Max and Flynn.

The first draft

The first draft

The editing process was long and we managed to cut a lot out but this is the first version of our 5 minute film. 

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Music for our film

Music for our film

We looked at some uncopyrighted music that we could use for our film but decided that none of them really fit our film. Cassia knows someone who is a musician and we were able to get in touch with him and ask if we could use his music. He very kindly replied to us and said he'd record more versions and send us the files so that we could use his music in our film.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Film Review

Film Review

The review I made for my film. I used Microsoft Publisher to create it and looked to my research for inspiration on how to design it.

Making my film review

Making my film review

A short video explaining how I made my film review.

Monday 31 March 2014

Review Research

Review Research

A presentation showing my research into film reviews to help me with my second ancillary task.

Friday 28 March 2014

Editing update

Editing Update

Myself and Cassia explaining our plans for finishing of our editing and how it's gone so far.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Re-filming part of our film

Re-filming part of our film

A short video diary explaining how we lost part of our film and had to re-film it with less than two weeks until the deadline.

Editing on the Mac's

Editing on the Mac's

A video showing how we edited part of our film and our use of Final Cut Express. I also added music from two Neo-Noir films we have looked at to keep it within the film noir genre of my coursework.

Monday 24 March 2014

My final poster

My final poster

The finished product of my first ancillary task. I used Photoshop to create my poster and overall I am happy with the result.

Making my film poster

Making my film poster

A step-by-step video on how I made my poster for my film. I took screenshots of the process as i did it, and then put them onto Windows Movie Maker and added a voiceover describing what I was doing.

Friday 21 March 2014

Film Noir Poster Research

Film Noir Poster Research

For my ancillary task, I did some research into previous film noir posters, looking at both original film noir and neo noir posters to see if there are any common themes used throughout. I created this presentation using Microsoft Powerpoint 2010 and then put it onto Slideshare so that I could put it onto my blog.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Possible film titles

Possible film titles

We came up with different ideas for what to call our film and Lib put some of them, with their pro's and con's, into a prezi to help us decide which to use for our film.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Filming Diary Day 7 - Hitchin

Filming Diary Day 7 - Hitchin

A video and pictures from yesterday's filming in Hitchin. I added the song New Tattoo by James Arthur to make the video more interesting. I felt that this song, despite being modern, had a jazzy feel to it with the guitar and drum beat and so I felt it would keep with the Film Noir style of my coursework.

Filming Diary Day 7 - Lib's house

Filming Diary Day 7 - Lib's house

A filming diary of shooting the opening sequence of Josh's hand with blood down it.

Using Fake Blood

Using Fake Blood

A video of Lib and I putting fake blood onto Josh's hand for the opening sequence which we shot yesterday.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Editing Update

Editing Update

We were having so much difficulty using Final Cut to begin editing so today we decided to transfer all the files we have so far and start again on a new window of Final Cut. The photos below show us putting the different clips onto Final Cut in a rough chronological order. We haven't started to properly edit any of the clips yet but we thought it would help to get what we wanted so that we have a starting point.

Film Title Mindmap

Film Title Mindmap

We created a spider diagram of some possible names for our film, including why we thought they would be appropriate. Cassia sped up the video and added music from Brick to make it apply more to our film noir genre.

Monday 10 March 2014

Filming Day 6

Filming Day 5

Filming Day 5

Unfortunately, I could not be there to film on Thursday but from what I hear it went pretty much to plan however the group were not able to fit everything in and so we need to make another trip to Hitchin at some point. Emily made a prezi with pictures from the filming.

Filming Update

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Our Logo

Our logo was created by Rhys who very kindly helped us out and managed to turn our design into an actual moving logo. We may slow it down when we add it to our film but we are all very pleased with the finished product.

Filming Arrangements

Filming Arrangements

A video explaining our plans for filming this week.

Logo Designs

Logo designs

Last night i drew up two possible designs for our logo.

This first design is a clock face with the two hands saying 'Clockwork Productions.' Whilst we like the simplicity of this one we thought it might be too plain and boring and so decided to use the second design.

As a group we agreed that this design looked more professional and interesting. We thought we could have the cogs moving to make it look good and catch people's eyes. Overall, we prefer this design and so this will be the one we use for our film.

Monday 3 March 2014

Discussing Institutions

A video of us discussing the work we did in today's lesson

Institution Research

Institution Research

We looked at different film noirs and their institutions as a starting point for our research into institutions. We then looked into more depth into each institution as can be seen in the power point below.

Friday 28 February 2014

Filming Schedule

Filming Schedule

After having two weeks off for our mock exams and half term we looked back at our timetable of when we are free to start filming again. We decided to film the latter half of this week and hopefully have everything we need by the start of next week so we can get on with editing.

Cassia also posted questions onto the facebook group as a way of finding out when we could use our actors.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Questionnaire research

Questionnaire research

As a group, we created a questionnaire about film noir and handed it out to a range of people to get feedback on our ideas and see if there are any changes we should make to suit our target audience. Once we collected all our questionnaires back, we put all the data into Microsoft Excel and created pie charts on each question to show the range of answers and percentages. Our pie charts show the results of the questionnaires and allow us to see what our target audience looks for in a good film so that we can take into account this information when making our own film.

Saturday 8 February 2014

Using the Mac's

A video of what we did during yesterday's lesson. I also used the soundtrack from neo-noir film Body Heat to make the video more interesting and still fit in with the film noir genre of my coursework.



During the filming process, we have used Facebook to communicate with each other.  We created a Facebook group to post when we're planning on filming, what scenes and where we're going to film and what props and actors we need. Below are some examples of our posts.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Filming Day 3

Filming Day 3

Today I had a university interview and so could not participate in the filming. However, Cassia and Lib continued to film without me and got some shoots of the bedroom scene where Charlie writes in her diary.

Monday 3 February 2014

Filming Day 1

A video diary of our first day of filming.

Filming Day 1

Filming Day 1

Today we spent an hour and forty five minutes shooting the first part of our film. We shot the first two scenes and ensured that we had enough of each shot to give us choice when we come to edit it.
We used K10 and the English office to film and whilst we shot our film we also took pictures of us filming and working as a group.

Cassia and Hollie

Cassia, Emily and Hollie

Cassia, Hollie and Emily looking at the footage

Cassia with the sheet of scenes, camera angles and shot types

Me shooting a very low shot from the floor

Filming Cassia in the office

Filming is fun!

Trying different angles/shot types

Filming Cassia and Hollie