Monday 13 January 2014

Planning - locations

Planning - locations

So far we have discussed two possible locations where we could shoot parts of our film. As we decided originally, part of our film will be filmed in a school. We decided to use one of the rooms in the older part of school to make the location fit in more with the film noir style. We have decided to use K10 as it has big windows in which we can use to create different lighting and it is a decent sized space. The door also has a round window in it which we also thought we could use to film through to create a different and interesting shot.

We also thought we could possibly use Hitchin. It's cobbled roads and old style buildings could create an interesting setting for us to film in. Lib took some pictures of possible places we can shot and also spoke to two different shops to ask if we'd be able to use their shops as locations for filming. Hitchin could be a really interesting place to film in and create the sense that this is a film noir.

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