Wednesday 4 December 2013

Research - Enigma

Research - Enigma

An enigma is an unanswered question created in a film. They are used to intrigue the audience and make them want to know what has happened and why. The audience usually feels satisfied when their questions are answered during the film and so it makes the audience active.
An enigma was used in Double Indemnity when at the start all we see is protagonist Walter Neff making a confession into a Dictaphone. The audience don't know who he is or why he is confessing and so it sparks our interest. We also see later that he has been shot and every time the film returns to him there is more blood from where he has been injured. This furthers our interests and makes us want to know what happened.

We thought we could use this in our film by having the protagonist shoot someone at the start and all the audience knows is that someone's been shot, not who they are or why. This will hopefully create interest and make the audience want to watch it to find out why this has happened.

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